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Can you hack it?

This year ICT Days - Orizzonti 2016 will be hosting a Hackathon, a 48-hour race to see who can create an ad hoc app based on a topic revealed only at the last minute. The event officially kicks off on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 13.30 in Aula B107 but two pre-events are scheduled. The first of which, "Ruby on Rails", will take place on March 19th from 14.00-16.00 in Aula Levico at the Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico. A second appointment is scheduled for March 26th from 14.00-16.00 in Aula Levico at the Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico to present a series of quick software development techniques and a series of databases that can be used to develop software apps. Individuals and groups can participate, but registration is mandatory. Registration is already open so sign up today at